i've been hacking on Foundation for about 2 months now and released it for folks to sign up just over a month ago.
for the record, here are some of the core features as of today:
- 75 different blogs (225 essays!) & more all the time!
- most recent additions are Andrej Karpathy, Dan Luu, Fred Wilson, and more
- Librarian’s Pick button will choose a random essay for you - kinda fun
- everyone public library card page they can share!
- anybody can make suggestions for new blogs here
I also recently added some symbols to different author's cards to try and give people a way to tell who's who. gem's mean they're sort of legendary, light bulb's mean they're influential but maybe still to be discovered by many more people, and sprout's say something like, This person is interesting and you should pay attention to them even though you might not have heard of them yet.
as of today, the app has 41 users. and i'm having fun working on it. marketing it isn't my favorite thing, because marketing in general is a rather incoherent and bothersome thing to all of us so it's my feelings about marketing rather than the project itself. but, nobody ever got users sitting on their hands.